New Blog Day!

Good Afternoon my friends!
I have a few things to go over, so this may be a longer post than usual.

And as promised,
I've uploaded two videos of me playing Minion Rush!
The links are in the two prior posts of today

Mondays are the new Blog Day!

With things normalizing, it's very difficult for me to post two times per week.
Additionally, the summer semester begins June 1st at ACC.
So, Mondays (at any time of day) I'll be posting
I'll try to pick a set time, once I know what I have on my plate

I know my last post was very last minute. I was fishing for time.
Then, I was like "What the hey! I don't spend hours on Minion Rush for nothing."
I found out you could record on the actual app weeks ago.
I just had the videos sitting on my phone
I have three more videos to post, so let me know if y'all like them.

In light of that last-minute idea, here's me painting in the app called Happy Color
I really do hope Google supports this video, if not I'll repost it next week

And finally, I have a nifty app called Pocket Thesaurus
(shout-out to my sister who told me to download a thesaurus app)
Where I learn or review words every week!
I'll be sharing the suggested word of the week here

Paean- a hymn of praise

For word usage, check out,
"The Bells" by Edgar Allan Poe

Thank you for stopping by
Auf Wiedersehen


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